
Showing posts from November, 2020

On Bares And Mares

Have you ever been on a cyclic cycling of endless uncertainties? Of how oneself turned absurdity to self, you keep searching for the core, but nothing to grasp. You highlighted all the options, yet, you couldn’t pick one, because all seems to be like that mysterious cake. Mares, whether day or night, are likeable to torment, stir and enlighten. In a misty world of smiling harmattan and pleasing cold. Words clove in a faraway diaspora, of a cliché routine., fear of how, not even why nor when. But of how to sweep the world, make it bare and mere embark on the ‘voyage’ to strike the strikers, the world on your shoulder and thine in yours and you live to sweep the world that covers you with its flashing veil.      

For Writing

 For writing, I have an unending eager to dance to your tune, take me and walk with me. May we always remember, may we not forget our prime and its destination.